Genuine Heart Counseling

Open Monday Wednesday & Friday
By Appointment Only

Chandra Lontz-Smith, MA, LPC, RPT 

Licensed Professional Counselor, Synergetic Play Therapist, and Parenting Guide

(970) 815-1366

Effects on the Nervous System

As human beings we have an inherent ability for mindfulness.

This nonjudgmental, inward attention of mindfulness naturally activates our parasympathetic nervous system, our bodies natural calming system, and supports several aspects of wellbeing.

Mindfulness strengthens our:

Insula-Which supports emotional regulation, perception and self awareness

Hippocampus-Which supports a stronger memory and strengthens our ability to reevaluate a potential threat

Prefrontal cortex-Which strengthens our ability for discernment, evaluation of consequences, and working toward a goal

Left frontal regions-Which produces a more uplifted mood

Meditation also:

Decreases cortisol, our bodies natural stress hormone

Strengthens the immune system

What are the aspects of mindfulness practice that directly impact our bodies nervous system and support our tendency toward balance?

Just a moment of:

  • withdrawing attention from stressful matters
  • relaxing our bodies through mindful breathing
  • bringing awareness into the body

can do wonders for our well-being

“…even a single breath from beginning to end - or a single step on the way to work - can be remarkably centering and calming” Buddha’s Brain by Richard Hanson and Richard Mendius